Saving SCSM and SQL resources by disabling Cube Processing

If you do not use the OLAP Reporting Cubes in Service Manager it’s probably just going to use resources while delivering no business value.

By disabling Cube Processing and the SSAS instance you’ll save 4GB+ of RAM usage and the CPU usage from the Cube Processing task.
Depending on what your Service Manager environment looks like, it could be a couple of dollars on your electricity bill or a couple of more dollars if you’re running your environment in a pay-as-you-go Cloud, such as a Public Cloud or a Hosting Service Provider.

And lucky for you I’ve made a Powershell script to do this for you!

# Script to remotely stoping and disabling all SCSM Cube Procesing jobs and SSAS instance
$SMDWServer = ""
$SSASServer = ""
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
$smdir = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\System Center\2010\Service Manager\Setup").InstallDirectory
Import-Module "$smdir\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Warehouse.Cmdlets.psd1"
$DWJobs = Get-SCDWJob | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Process.*"}
Foreach ($DWJob in $SCDWJobs)
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName $Job.Name -Verbose
Disable-SCDWJob -JobName $Job.Name -Verbose
Stop-SCDWJob -JobName $Job.Name -Verbose
} -ComputerName $SMDWServer
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
$ServiceName = "SQL Server Analysis Services ($($args[0]))"
$Service = Get-Service -DisplayName $ServiceName
Set-Service -InputObject $Service -StartupType Manual -Verbose
Stop-Service -InputObject $Service -Verbose
} -ComputerName $SSASServer -ArgumentList $SSASInstanceName

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